Starting with Issue no. 2/2021, Editoriale Scientifica is the new Publishing House of the Rivista Quadrimestrale di Diritto dell’Ambiente (RQDA).
The ISSN of the Journal remains unchanged.
The RQDA – multilingual and strongly characterised by internationalisation and interdisciplinarity, officially ranked in the top class of legal journals (A-Class) by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) – remains fully open access. All readers will continue to enjoy the contents freely and free of charge; all authors will continue to publish their articles without any cost.
The Journal would like to thank its former Publishing House, Giappichelli, who published the Issues from no. 0/2010 to no. 1/2021, for the fruitful and valuable collaboration. The RQDA now enthusiastically embarks on a new path with Editoriale Scientifica, ready to take up the complex challenges posed to legal scholars by the ecological transition that is required at every level of society, now and in the nearby future.
The Journal Archive (“Issues”) has therefore been divided into two separate sections: one that preserves the old Issues from no. 0/2010 to no. 1/2021, already published by Giappichelli; and another one that collects all the new Issues published from no. 2/2021 onwards by Editoriale Scientifica.
Some articles will be published in advance on the Journal’s website as “Previews – Anticipazioni” from the soon-to-be published Issues.